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Dates to Remember

  • AAD 5th Annual Conference — Mar 27-29
  • Asbestos Awareness Day — Apr 1
  • Asbestos Awareness Week — April 1-7
  • International Workers' Memorial Day — April 28
  • Labor Day — Sep 4
  • Warren Zevon — Sep 7
  • WTC 7th Anniv. — Sep 11
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Asbestos exposure can be hazardous to your health!

For safety and prevention, follow established EPA guidelines.

  • "Major asbestos exposure continues today in building renovation, demolition and maintenance, and automotive brake repair." Dr. Barry Castleman
  • The EPA successfully finalized an asbestos phase-out and ban rule in 1989; the asbestos industry filed a lawsuit and overturned the rule in 1991. Asbestos, while tightly regulated, is still legal in the U.S. in some applications.
  • In 2001, the U.S. consumed 26 million pounds of asbestos in the form of roofing products, gaskets, brakes and other products.

EPA Asbestos Hotline: (800) 368-5888

For information concerning the identification and abatement of asbestos hazards in the home, and on the asbestos content of certain consumer products, call the EPA. Additional information is available via the links below:

Homeowners Asbestos Prevention Guidelines:

  • Do not remove or damage asbestos material.
  • Consult asbestos professionals or the EPA for testing & removal information.
  • Don't dust, sweep or vacuum debris that may contain asbestos.
  • Don't saw, sand, scrape or drill holes in asbestos materials.
  • Don't use abrasive pads or brushes on power strippers to strip wax from asbestos flooring. Never use a power stripper on a dry floor.
  • Don't sand or try to level asbestos flooring or its backing. When asbestos flooring needs replacing, install new floor covering over it, if possible.
  • Don't track material that could contain asbestos through the house, call an asbestos professionals or the EPA for testing & removal information.

The Federal law requires schools to identify asbestos-containing material in school buildings and take appropriate action to control release of asbestos fibers. Be aware.

Guidelines for choosing a qualified asbestos contractor:

  • Check to see if the contractor is licensed by the Federal Government.
  • Be aware that some contractors may remove material incorrectly and still charge a substantial fee.
  • Require references from the contractor and check them to see if the contractor's work is satisfactory.
  • Require the contractor to specify his safety procedures in writing.
  • Consider hiring a certified asbestos consultant to review safety procedures and oversee the performance of the contractor.

How should the homeowner repair or remove asbestos?

For more information on asbestos identification and control activities, contact the Asbestos Coordinator in the EPA Regional Office for your region, or your state or local health department.

How can asbestos content in materials be determined?

When asbestos is suspected of being present in building materials, it is important to have the materials tested by a qualified laboratory. Visual inspection alone is not enough to identify the presence of asbestos. However, such testing may not be warranted if the material is in good condition, in which case it is best to leave it in place. If the material is damaged, or will be disturbed during normal household activities or remodeling, it should be tested.

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a generic term, which describes a group of diverse, naturally occurring, fibrous minerals. These minerals occur as bundles of strong, flexible fibers that are chemically inert, do not burn, and have good insulating properties.

Where is asbestos found in the home?

Asbestos has been used in many products found in the home to provide insulation, strength, and fire protection. In 1989, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) announced a phased ban of asbestos products to be completed by 1996. The most common items in the home that may contain asbestos are:

  • Vinyl flooring
  • Duct wrapping on heating and air conditioning systems
  • Insulation on hot water pipes and boilers, especially in homes built from 1920 to 1972
  • Some roofing, shingles, and siding
  • Ceiling and wall insulation in some homes built or remodeled between 1945 and 1978
  • Sheet rock taping compounds and some ceiling materials
  • Asbestos that has been sprayed on ceilings often has a spongy, "cottage cheese" appearance with irregular soft surfaces. The manufacturers can provide information on the asbestos content of home products. A Certified Asbestos Consultant can be hired to determine whether or not asbestos is present and to give advice about how to take care of it safely.

Asbestos-Related Websites

Environmental & Home Repairs

Federal Safety And Prevention Information

Federal Medical Resources


  • Breath Taken: The Landscape & Biography of Asbestos by Bill Ravanesi
  • Surviving Cancer by Margie Levine
  • Mesothelioma: Edited by Bruce Robinson (Perth, AU) and Philippe Chahinian (New York)
  • Lean on Me by Lorraine Kembe
  • Fatal Deception: How Big Business is Still Killing Us with Asbestos by Michael Bowker
  • Outrageous Misconduct: The Asbestos Industry on Trial by Paul Brodeur
  • Magic Mineral to Killer Dust: Turner & Newall and the Asbestos Hazard by Geoffrey Tweedale
  • An Air That Kills: How the Asbestos Poisoning of Libby , Montana Uncovered a National Scandal by Andrew Schneider, David McCumber
  • Asbestos: Medical and Legal Aspects by Barry I Castleman, Stephen L Berger
  • Libby, Montana : Asbestos and the Deadly Silence of an American Corporation by Andrea Peacock