Posted on June 14, 2014

Grief“Grief is the price we pay for love,” said Queen Elizabeth II. Grief doesn’t magically end after a loved one’s death, and holidays can bring back powerful memories of longing for happier times. During these past eight years, grief and loss have taught me many lessons about myself, life, and the goodness in others. Here are some thoughts from my personal experiences:

Listen to your heart.  Grief is personal – your grief is your grief. Allow yourself to experience your true feelings. Own them; they are part of the healing process.

Make plans. It’s okay to distract yourself. Consider visiting with family or friends, or touring your favorite museum; see a film, or volunteer at your favorite charity.

Start a new tradition. Give yourself permission to start a new tradition that brings you comfort and peace.

Reminisce. Although our lives undeniably changed forever with the loss of our loved one, our lives do continue.  Share your memories and stories about your loved one – in person or in a blog – with family and friends. Trust me, they want to listen. If being private feels right for you, consider keeping a journal.

Reach out. If feelings of grief increase and you feel that you are in peril, reach out to a medical professional for help. You aren’t alone.

Remembering…“Each person’s grief journey is unique as a fingerprint or a snowflake.” ~ Earl Grollman


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