2017 GAAW Buzz CANVAPosted on March 30, 2017

Get ready, Team ADAO! Global Asbestos Awareness Week 2017 kicks off SATURDAY! During this weeklong campaign, we are able to deliver lifesaving messages of awareness and prevention around the world — but ONLY if YOU SHARE! Please join me in sparking the GAAW conversation — I promise, it couldn’t be easier. We’ll have a new blog each day of the week to share, as well as personal stories from daily GAAW ambassadors. We also have phenomenal new graphics for you to share, courtesy of the wildly talented Jessica Auge Mattmuller — you can find them in this Facebook album: http://bit.ly/2mTvEnj

Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #2017GAAW, and check our GAAW landing page daily to find fresh content and educational resources. 

During GAAW and always, YOU are part of the solution. From the bottom of my heart — THANK YOU and keep up the great sharing!


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