April 24, 2017 Press Release: Global Asbestos Action Alliance confronts global asbestos industry – Good CoP/ Bad CoP? 

Global Asbestos Action Alliance Rotterdam Convention Media Kit


April 27, 2017


Day three

Yaser Abu Shanab from the Palestinian Environmental Quality Authority and Michael Borowick

“The formal sessions on Day 3 of the convention focused on the Stockholm Convention.

This gave members of the Global Asbestos Action Alliance an opportunity to talk with country delegates about the African nations proposal to overcome the stalemate on the listing of chrysotile asbestos.

The most vocals opponents of the listing of chrysotile asbestos are Russia, China (PRC), India and Zimbabwe. It appears they are only supported by a small number of other countries.

For most countries, the need to ban asbestos is self evident. It saves lives.

That said, there exists a body of thought at the Conference that forcing change will damage the convention & its processes.

Our global alliance believes that the dignity and health of people around the world takes precedence over anything else, especially the profits made by the asbestos industry and their supporters in a small number of countries.”

April 26, 2017



Mohammed Al Hamnadi and Michael Borowick

“During Day Two of the Conference of the Parties of the Rotterdam Convention meeting in a Geneva, anti asbestos activists spoke with representatives of many nations about breaking the impasse on listing asbestos.

Many countries see the sense in ending the stalemate, given many previous attempts to include asbestos in Annexure 3 have failed.

Denying the obvious threat to people’s health posed by asbestos, Russia expects it will be able once again to frustrate a listing. The current rules of the convention allow the regime in Russia to exercise a veto.

Russia is supported by the regimes in China, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan & Cuba.

Delegates seem to be persuaded that the listing procedure for the Rotterdam Convention should be made consistent with the Basil & Stockholm Conventions.”


Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Lemnyuy Banye, Michael Borowick, and Joswa Aoudou

“On Day One of the meeting of the parties to the Rotterdam Convention being held in Geneva, Switzerland, anti asbestos activists engaged with country representatives about the deficiencies of the current listing process and why it needs to be reformed to allow the convention to meet its objectives.

Given that the current rules of the convention allow any one party to the convention to veto the inclusion of a nominated chemical or substance, Russia, China, Zimbabwe and other asbestos producers & exporters are able to deflect attention from the misery & death to which they unashamedly damn many global citizens.”

Michael Borowick, Assistant Secretary, Australian Council of Trade Unions
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