Posted on November 30, 2017 

Join the Movement Today.

For years, the EPA and Congress have stood idly by and continued to look the other way as asbestos continues to be imported from other countries and used in toys and buildings across America. Up to 15,000 people die each year in America due to asbestos poisoning, and that must end now. The Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2017 (ARBAN) has been introduced in Congress and we need everyone across the country to know just how important this bill will be in ending the plague of preventable asbestos-related fatalities across the country.

To help amplify our message, we are launching a Thunderclap campaign that will blast our message prominently across all social media networks. Thunderclap allows our advocacy efforts to reach a wider online audience and have a greater impact by coordinating a mass share of one unified message.  Our message is simple — “It’s time to stop letting asbestos kill Americans. Congress – #BanAsbestosNow” — will be shared simultaneously through the social media profiles of everyone who signs on as a supporter.

With your help, we will maximize our social reach on December 7th at 12:30 pm ET to 200,000.

Your part is a snap — all you need to do is join our online campaign and then share it with your friends by inviting them be a part of the movement! Opting into in to our Thunderclap campaign allows us to make you a champion of the cause by tapping into your social media connections, expanding our reach behind this important message and educating thousands of new supporters about the life-saving ban we’re working for. If you sign on to our Thunderclap campaign, we will become a prominently featured bill using social media.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Click “Support with Twitter” and/or “Support with Facebook” and get the word out to your followers and friends. Be sure to ask them to sign up for Thunderclap, too. 
  2. Ask your friends, family, and work colleagues to do the same.
  3. Use the hashtag: #BanAsbestosNow
  4. Watch on Thursday, December 7, when everyone’s messages are shared all at once

So please, take 10 seconds to join our campaign and let the world know that the time is now to end asbestos once and for all!

Together, change is possible.

Linda Reinstein
Social Networks