Updated on June 27, 2018

WOW! Over the past months, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) began promoting a Change.org petition calling on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban asbestos without loopholes or exemptions of any kind. We now have the support of nearly 13,000 signatures — Next Stop — 15,000. If everyone that has signed this petition could explain to 3 people that signing this petition could save future lives, we could quickly get over 38,000 signatures!

The bottom line is simple: Asbestos is the main cause of a terrible form of cancer called mesothelioma (along with many other deadly cancers and several pulmonary diseases). An estimated 39,000 Americans die every year due to asbestos related diseases, which is a new estimate that reflects double the previous amount reported in the United States — yet companies still continue to import and use asbestos, knowingly sickening innocent Americans.

On June 1, 2018 the EPA released a document about how they will evaluate the risk of asbestos – or better said, how they WON’T evaluate the known risk of asbestos. Read more in our blog “The EPA Turns a Blind Eye on Deadly Asbestos Legacy in Homes, Schools, Workplaces, and Our Environment.” ADAO is preparing to submit comments to the docket on this lack of asbestos evaluation by the EPA. As part of our comments, we will be submitting the petition and need your help getting as many signatures as possible to make the EPA aware of how many lives they are negatively impacting!

The EPA has put decades worth of time and dollars into asbestos research — they have all the data they need to ban this killer completely — without any loopholes or exemptions that allow greedy corporations to keep using it.

Rather than spending more years and more money to determine what we already know to be true, we urge the EPA to BAN ASBESTOS NOW! It is their obligation to protect the lungs and health of current and future generations in America!

Together change is possible,

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