I first came into contact with Linda Reinstein after replying to an email she sent me about creating a Piktochart for her organization, ADAO. After looking over the information she sent me, I thought that definitely is something an infographic can help make clearer, so I made an offer to create one for ADAO. From there, we had a quick Skype conversation on what sort of data she would be looking to present, what sort of designs she had in mind and who the target audience was. I passed the brief on to the designers and they did their magic in just over one week.

While Piktochart is a tool built for non-designers to create infographics, we already have plans to release this tool (once it is ready) to non-for-profit organizations to create infographics which could help to promote awareness about their individual missions. Infographics are great for the non-profit sector as they typically contain a lot of good numbers to talk about, taking text and data and putting them into pictures and graphics.

For reasons we can see and experience for ourselves, infographics are 6 times more likely to be recalled by those who read them and they drive about 30-40 times more social sharing (Facebook likes and re-tweets). A good infographic has data visualizations transformed into simple pictures and can tell a thousand words!

Working with ADAO has been a tremendous experience for my startup and I look forward to providing more service for an organization so dedicated as this