Community Asbestos Memorial Project

Donations can be sent to:
163 Education Way
Libby, Montana 59923

The Committee for CAMP Community Asbestos Memorial Project was established to set up a permanent memorial site which would take the place of the white crosses.  The goal was to have a permanent memorial that told the story of Libby, but also presented a vision of hope and symbol of the community moving forward.  In selecting the spot it was decided that the loading dock area which was one of the highest asbestos impacted areas, would be symbolic but also present a beautiful location.  The committee approached the city council and it okayed the use of the park area.  In 2006 the City of Libby provided the space and materials for the pavilion,   The work and the copper roof were all donated by a few dedicated individuals.

Vern Riley and Helen Andries

Dave Benefield

Steve Smith  SDS Construction

Eva Thompson, Dave Benefield
 LeRoy Billeadeaua, Steve Smith and Vernon Riley

City of Libby Crane

Steve Smith and Gary Swenson

Eva mult-itasking


2006 Memorial Service

In 2007 the committee and volunteers created the flower beds and walk way.  Rocks and cement were donated.  The general theme this
year was to give flowers in memory of a loved one.
So all of the flowers were also donated. The final part of the
memorial service was planting the plants and so symbolic
when young children were involved in the planting.

Tom Vanderweel and Kari Martell

Tom Vanderweel, Brenda Vinson, Kari Martell,
Mick Vinson, Dorothy Shelly, Vernon Riley,
Mike DeMille, Helen Andries and Gary Swenson

Kari Martell & unknown child planting flowers

Mike Vinson, Helen Andries and Mike DeMille

Gary Swenson, Gayla Benefield and Marianne Roose
reading names

The sign was completed in 2009
Leroy Thom donated the metal for the sign and the
students at the Libby Alternative School in Todd Berget's
class made the sign for us.  Our thought was to
involve the young people and look to the future.

Students are
James Kellog
Matt Roberts
 Brittanne Amos