David and Kieran Brewer

David and Kieran Brewer

Posted on May 5, 2014: ADAO Shout Out to Kieran Brewer for his Relay For Life Fundraising Efforts for Cancer Research 

Posted on May 30, 2014

This week, I had the opportunity to interview Kieran about his fundraising efforts Relay For Life. Kieran has been raising asbestos awareness for years, like his mother, ADAO’s dear friend, Debbie. Teams like Kieran’s, called the Misfits, fund raise in their local communities throughout the year and came together on May 24, 2014 in an inspiring overnight celebration and commemoration. You can still donate in support of Kieran efforts.

Linda: Why is the Relay For Life important to you?

Kieran: It’s important because it gives all cancer that extra bit of limelight and by doing that we increase the chances of finding a cure for this terrible disease.

Linda: How many people participated this year?
Kieran: We had a big turnout of 151 people all in different teams.

Linda: What did they do?
Kieran: Some dressed up, some wore wigs, some ran around the track for about 6 hours and lots of them prepared food and the best part was, we got free hot drinks!

Linda: How much money did the event raise?
Kieran: A whopping £22,500!

Linda: What message would I like to send to people who are struggling with cancer?
Kieran: Believe in yourself, one day we will find a cure to save all of you, keep going that extra mile because one day things will change and we all hope it’s soon!

Linda: How can ADAO help you?
Kieran: By giving this event some publicity and letting people know that we do this in the hope of finding a cure and raising money to do so.

Kieran, we are SO proud of you.

In unity,

Linda Reinstein