Click here to learn more about Russia’s role in the global asbestos crisis.

Posted on June 26, 2017

Russian Asbestos Facts (2017)

  1. Asbestos is a known carcinogen.
  2. In 2016, about 5% of the asbestos minerals imported into and used within the United States were shipped from Russia. This was the first time on record that the U.S. purchased deadly asbestos from Russia.
  3. In 2016, Russia mined 1,100,000 metric tons of chrysotile asbestos and remains the top asbestos producer.
  4. Russia is the largest asbestos producer in the world.
  5. Russia is ranked #2 of the 4 top asbestos user/ consumer.
  6. In 2013, the Russian Federation consumed 432,000 metric tons of asbestos.
  7. From 1920 – 2013, the Russian Federation consumed 40,651,944 metric tons of asbestos.
  8. Chrysotile producer and user countries together represent more than 2/3 of the world’s population.
  9. International Chrysotile Association, which creates pro-asbestos propaganda, falsely claims “Chrysotile asbestos can be used safely,” even providing a “Safe Use Manual.”
  10. In 2016, the chlor-alkali industry was the only chrysotile asbestos importer and consumer in the US.

Click here to learn more about Russia’s role in the global asbestos crisis.