“Occupational Lung Cancer Symposium: Causes and Screening” by Desre Kramer and Priyanka Raj

Posted on  January 24,2014

Occupational CancerThe Occupational Cancer Research Centre is hosting a symposium on occupational lung cancer on February 24th, 2014, in Toronto. The symposium will focus on recent research on the burden and prevalence of major exposures linked to occupational lung cancer, such as asbestos and diesel engine exhaust.  Linda Reinstein will be the keynote speaker. We will explore emerging advances in lung cancer screening.  Earlier this year, numerous healthcare organizations in the United States commended the use of helical computerized tomography scanning (HCT) for the screening of lung cancer in eligible individuals at particular risk due to their age and smoking status.  We will consider the use of this screening in an occupational context, and examine logistical and ethical issues of targeting screening to exposed workers.  This symposium is open to policy-makers, researchers, and medical professionals.  For more information about the symposium and the Occupational Cancer Research Centre, visit us at OccupationalCancer.ca.  AGENDA