Posted on January 30, 2024

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In the heart of New York City this February, a landmark campaign is set to launch, and you don’t want to miss it. The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO), in partnership with the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), is spearheading a vital, life-saving initiative. We are advocating for the complete ban of all asbestos fibers in all uses. This campaign is more than just advocacy; it commemorates ADAO’s 20th anniversary and coincides with National Cancer Prevention Month, making it a strategic and significant call for change.

The Centerpiece of this campaign is a striking advertisement on a Nasdaq billboard in Times Square. Measuring an impressive 120 feet in height and 84 feet in width, this billboard is more than a display; it’s a powerful statement against the dangers of asbestos. With an expected 1.5 million daily impressions, this billboard is poised to broadcast the campaign’s message to a vast audience, many of whom likely do not know asbestos is still legal and lethal in the U.S. today.

The campaign will also extend its reach through online platforms, ensuring the message resonates far beyond Times Square, bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds.

The campaign is driven by a demand for legislative action. The goal is unequivocal: to secure a comprehensive ban on asbestos, protecting the health of first responders and the general public. This campaign seeks to turn awareness into action, engaging both the public and lawmakers with compelling evidence and narratives to ban asbestos. But we need those in the audience to help us — if you are in New York, take a picture in front of the billboard and tag us on social media. If you’re not, you can still sign our“Ban Asbestos in the US Now, Without Loopholes or Exemptions” petition to end asbestos imports and ban the carcinogen now.

Highlighting the campaign are three critical facts about asbestos:

  • There is No Safe Level of Asbestos Exposure: 
  • Annually in the US, Asbestos-Caused Diseases Claim 40,000 Lives:
  • Firefighters Fight More Than Fires — They’re Also Battle Asbestos Cancers

Further boosting the campaign’s impact, the advertisement will be broadcast 4 times per hour, 24/7, resulting in over 300 runs across 14 days. This constant presence ensures that the campaign’s message reaches a broad and diverse audience continuously.

Remember, we need your help to share our message. You can help increase the impact of these ads by posting this link and a picture of yourself in front of the billboard to your social media of choice. Sharing the word goes a long way in passing crucial legislation ARBAN to prevent deadly asbestos-caused diseases. 

Through a synergy of advocacy, public engagement, and legislative efforts, ADAO and IAFF are not only raising awareness but are also leading the charge toward a future where the threats of asbestos exposure have been extinguished. This campaign marks a critical step towards acknowledging and addressing the health risks associated with asbestos, paving the way for a safer, asbestos-free future.

As I have heard IAFF General President Kelly say many times, “When you are right — we fight. When we fight — we win.” I know we are right and we will win! 

Linda Reinstein

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