Posted on February 18, 2015

Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization Launches New Hear Asbestos. Think Prevention.™ CampaignHear Asbestos. Think Prevention_edited-1For the past 11 years, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) has been dedicated to asbestos disease prevention and awareness. As the largest independent asbestos victim’s organization in the United States, ADAO is one of the most trusted anti-asbestos non-profits, and has upheld its commitment to providing the public, government, and victims with the most current and informative educational materials. Most people are unaware that asbestos is still lethal and legal in the United States, where they may encounter the deadly carcinogen, and how to safely dispose of it. Our educational resources are meant to change this misinformation, spread awareness, prevent unnecessary asbestos exposure, and provide resources for victims who are already exposed.

For over a decade, we have held annual educational conferences, provided resources such as fact sheets, videos, and graphics to the public, and served as an expert resource for Congress and the media.  With our 11th Annual International Asbestos Awareness Conference, “Where Knowledge and Action Unite” right around the corner (April 17-19 in Washington D.C.), ADAO would like to reconfirm its long-held commitment to asbestos exposure prevention by highlighting our most powerful educational asbestos-awareness materials and resources for easy access and sharing.

The new ADAO “Hear Asbestos. Think Prevention.™” Campaign  focuses on preventing asbestos exposure by featuring essential asbestos prevention materials. The campaign will lead with various guest health and safety blogs focused on prevention, new graphics, and informative content from other leaders in the global asbestos fight. The goal is focused on how to:

1) Prevent asbestos exposure

2) Educate the public about asbestos dangers

3) What to do after asbestos exposure

The campaign will be reinforced through Global Asbestos Awareness Week (GAAW) April 1 – 7th, building education and awareness of asbestos disease prevention in our community and beyond.  Look out for more campaign news after GAAW!

For more related information, please visit the educational resource library on our main site or click on the links below.

Educational Resources:

Be apart of the change! ADAO needs your help to share our ADAO Educational Resource Library.

Together, change is possible.


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The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO), a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, does not make legal referrals.