Posted on January 30, 2024

Join Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) in celebrating our monumental milestone! 

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Thanks to many, ADAO proudly commemorates its 20th anniversary, reaffirming its unwavering mission to protect public health from the hazards of asbestos. 

Established in 2004 by Linda Reinstein and the late Doug Larkin, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) has been pivotal in uniting a diverse group of public health advocates, medical experts, policymakers, labor unions, artists, industry leaders, and individuals affected by asbestos. With a commitment as enduring as steel, ADAO continue their united fight to end the import and use of asbestos, honoring Doug Larkin’s enduring legacy in this crucial endeavor.

As we step into this milestone year, we celebrate the diverse and steadfast coalition of allies and partners who have been integral to ADAO’s enduring journey towards an asbestos-free future.

2024: A Year of Remembrance, Advocacy, and Unity

January: Observing IAFF Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month, highlighting the heightened asbestos exposure risks faced by fire fighters.

February: Engaging in National Cancer Prevention Month with a significant awareness campaign in Times Square.

March: Paying homage to legislative heroes and families advocating for stringent asbestos ban laws.

April: Hosting Global Asbestos Awareness Week (April 1-7), highlighting international partnerships and awareness.

May: Honoring the ongoing fight for worker safety amidst asbestos challenges.

June: Applauding the critical contributions of ADAO’s Leadership committees in educational outreach and policy advocacy.

July: Reflecting on past hurdles, notably the EPA’s 1989 reversal of the asbestos ban.

August: Showcasing the vital role of artists in elevating asbestos awareness.

September: Observing Mesothelioma Awareness Month, accentuating the importance of prevention, advanced treatment options, and the quest for a cure.

October: Addressing issues of environmental inequality.November: Committing to Lung Cancer Awareness Month, advocating for clean air and justice.

December: Holding ADAO’s poignant Mesothelioma Warrior Candle Lighting ceremony.

As ADAO celebrates this pivotal anniversary, our dedication to eradicating asbestos remains unyielding. The year 2024 not only offers a moment to reflect on our significant achievements but also renews our commitment to a future where public health is no longer threatened by asbestos exposure.