2013 GAAW ADAO Final





To view all 7 days of Global Asbestos Awareness Week (GAAW) content, please click here.

ban asbestos now7 FACTS FOR 7 DAYS: FACT TO SHARE TODAY: Asbestos fibers can be nearly 700 times smaller than human hair and are odorless, tasteless, indestructible fibers that can remain suspended in the air for seconds.

This day of Global Asbestos Awareness Week is dedicated to Alan Reinstein, ADAO’s Co-Founder who lost his courageous battle to mesothelioma in 2006. Click here to read his story, “I’ll Do Anything to Fight Mesothelioma to Have More Time with My Family, Anything.”

Posted on April 7, 2013

Taking Education to the Digital Streets every Sunday for #BanAsbestosNow Action

Our ADAO community gathers today, Sunday, April 7, on the last day of Global Asbestos Awareness Week, for a virtual candlelight vigil to honor the warriors fighting asbestos disease and remember those we have lost. Click here to light an online candle which burns brightly for 48 hours.

This is not an ending to our asbestos awareness campaign, it is a renewed beginning. Join us every Sunday, as global voices gather on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to share asbestos and mesothelioma facts to raise awareness and build community.

We are witnessing the power and effectiveness of this social media campaign in real time. How can you join #BanAsbestosNow?  It’s easy, with two quick steps!

1) Share this blog on your Facebook page and leave a comment on my page.

2) If you use Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, share the graphic ““Asbestos, a known carcinogen, claims more than 107,000 lives every year.” http://ow.ly/i/1Nkxe

For now, prevention is the only cure.

In unity,


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