AFeVA’s PRESS RELEASE: verdict of the Turin Eternit Trial, 13th February 2012

Tweet this! Judgment Day Looms for Eternit in Turin, Italy #asbestos #mesothelioma #OSH #cancer #safety

Tomorrow is D-Day! On February 13, the final verdict in the Eternit trial will be delivered and ADAO will be right on the front lines to hear it all unfold.  If convicted of violating safety rules and ignoring workers’ health, Eternit Swiss billionaire Stephan Schmidheiny and Belgian industry baron Louis de Cartier de Marchienne face 20 years in prison!

For too long, those who are in the business of manufacturing and selling asbestos have been allowed to go unpunished while thousands have lost their lives and countless others continue to suffer. It is ADAO’s and my own hope that the criminals being charged in the Eternit trial are brought to justice and that this will begin a new trend of punishing those who are responsible manufacturing death.

AFeVA will receive the The Tribute of Unity Award on March 31 at our conference for their decades of work done in promoting education, advocacy, and community throughout the trial and beyond.

Learn more about the Eternit trial by checking out ADAO’s collection of Eternit blogs, photos, videos, and press releases, as well as by visiting, or the official AFeVA website.

In unity,


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