Today, on the last day of Global Asbestos Awareness Week, I want to step back and reflect on this amazing global week of awareness.  The facts and the information are here on our website, thanks to the input from expert occupational safety and health, medical, and scientific contributors from around the world!  Now, it is up to all of us to share this information with friends, family, and colleagues.  One tweet, FB post, or phone call can prevent asbestos exposure and save lives.

History is a great teacher to those who listen.  We know that asbestos is a human carcinogen that causes painful, irreversible diseases and early death; that developing and developed countries around the world still mine and/or import asbestos for use in consumer products; that it is cost-beneficial to society to ban asbestos, prevent exposure, and save lives…and yet countries such as the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Russia, India, and China and many others still permit its use.  While we work towards the longer-term goal of banning asbestos in every country, we still have an obligation as informed citizens to spread the facts about asbestos in order to save lives.

In order to do this, we must work together to raise awareness.  Asbestos knows no geographic or demographic boundaries and is a threat to all of mankind.  Today’s candle lighting is not just to honor those we love who have battled or are battling asbestos-related diseases; our candles represent a promise to join together and do everything we can to ensure that more lives are not needlessly lost to this terrible fiber.  I’ve lost my husband and many friends to asbestos-related diseases and I refuse to lose more.  Let’s turn our anger into action.  Together, we can make a difference.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Light a candle tonight at 7:00 pm in your time zone or on the ADAO online candle lighting site to honor those we’ve lost to asbestos-related diseases and those courageously fighting them.
  • Use the links to content on our website to post messages on Facebook, tweet, and share with friends and family the facts about asbestos.
  • Join our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn social networks to keep up on the latest news.
  • Share Your Story if you or a loved one has been affected by asbestos-related disease.  Your story can save lives or serve as comfort to those similarly affected.

Thank you to all who have contributed to this wonderful week!

In unity,
