amazon-smile-canvaPosted on November 1, 2020

As you begin your holiday shopping, you can effortlessly support ADAO’s education, advocacy, and community efforts with the AmazonSmile. It is as easy as the click of a button! 

It’s easy and free! Here’s how:

When you do any holiday shopping online, consider doing it through AmazonSmile. This simple yet powerful feature easily allows Amazon shoppers to donate to a charity of their choice with a simple click of the button. And the best part? It doesn’t cost you A SINGLE CENT! Instead, Amazon donates a portion of the purchase price to ADAO, or whichever organization you choose.

Please click here or on the AmazonSmile image to begin your charitable shopping journey! Once you sign up, just visit instead of just, and AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of the price of each of your eligible purchases to ADAO.

You can also give the gift of a holiday donation as part of our Year-End-Giving drive, which ends on December 31. Donating as part of this holiday drive is like giving the gift of hope to asbestos victims nationwide, as these funds allow ADAO to do the work we do for civil justice and an asbestos-free future. Find our short, secure donation form at the end of this blog. For more information on donating to ADAO, please visit ADAO’s donation page here.

As a very small and independent organization, we don’t spend much time fundraising because it takes time away from the important advocacy work we must do. That’s why we need you and your support today, and the entire holiday season. 

We are eternally grateful for our ADAO community. Without all of you, we would not be able to complete the work we do. Thank you to everyone who supports ADAO in any way they can. Together we will make a difference, and together we will ban asbestos!


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