Posted on July 28, 2015

Roll Call Op-Ed CANVAAs the Senate approaches the time to vote on TSCA reform, Americans stand at a critical junction in public health and consumer safety.

ADAO is pleased to share that Roll Call has published our Op-Ed  Americans Face an Irreversible Rollback in Chemical Safety.”

The positive media coverage of S. 697 and other asbestos-related bills as “bipartisan” and “progress,” has overshadowed the glaring flaws of this proposed bill.  Currently, Senators Vitter and Udall’s bill, S. 697, is worse than the current law and is dangerously flawed.  As written, this bill is unlikely to ever ban asbestos or truly regulate the 84,000 chemicals in commerce.

ADAO is grateful for the opportunity to leverage op-ed articles to have our voice – and the voices of countless asbestos victims – heard. Read our Op-Ed in Roll Call to learn more about why this bill must not be passed.

For more information on ADAO’s stance on current legislation, please see our legislative overview here.

Together, we are making change happen.


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